Monday, March 2, 2009

A Meal for Me

As you might have read or heard about in person, I have become a bit frustrated with the grocery shopping and cooking on a budget. I don't care that much about dinner. I care about dessert, but not dinner. Last month, I made a new chart to compare prices between stores and Zach and I started writing out meals for the week. These things definitely helped, but I still felt like I needed a break. So, Zach is in charge and it feels amazing! Zach is in charge of getting the long list of groceries on the list and fitting a meal in between work and the evening's activities. Of course I know that he won't really experience what I experience since he won't really think much about it. He will just come home and find something to make, not thinking about how that meal will affect the entire month's budget or whether that is something that I would want that night. That is fine. At least I have a break. Today was wonderful. I came home and just relaxed trying to make my way through emails and find some way to overhaul our chandelier while Zach fixed dinner. I promise that meals taste better when you are not involved with the making of them. Mmmmm...what a night. I am definitely looking forward to many more meals made for me this month. I hope that it doesn't negatively affect next month (there I go again worrying about the future).

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