Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I have had quite a great week and it has only been two days.

On Monday I went to the zoo with one of my special education classes. I love the zoo and I especially love going with children. This was a unique opportunity because I have so many children in that class I see, I was able to go and work on PT related activities while I was there. I am pretty sure they were glad to have me as a extra set of hands as well. I had a great time, but there was one little incident. When we were ready to leave, we went out to find out that our bus was broken down and that we had to wait for another bus to come pick us up. So there we were with many special education preschoolers worn out from a day at the zoo, stuck on the curb waiting on a bus for quite a while. What a (half) day! I would love to share photos, but due to HIPAA, that would not be a good idea. Sorry.

And then today, one of my coworkers invited us to go out on her boat to go eat at a restaurant on Old Hickory Lake as a celebration of the end of the school year. It was so much fun to take a mini vacation tonight to go cruising on the lake eating right on the water.

The sunset over Old Hickory Lake.

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