Monday, November 9, 2009


For my birthday, I got the game Quelf. I had heard from a friend how fun of a game it was. It is a difficult game to describe, but I will try. Imagine Cranium on crack. There are 6 different types of cards you draw from. You might have to act, answer a trivia question, be given a strange action you will have to continue to do through out the game, etc. None of these are what you think they would be though. You might have to sing "I'm a Little Tea Pot". No one else has to guess anything, you just have to act it out. Other times, you might need people to guess what you are doing but you can't tell them that. On some cards, other players get to move ahead if they assist you in your act. Once again, you don't know when that will be. The trivia questions are more like brain teasers than trivia. Such as, "what was the tallest mountain before Mt. Everest was discovered?" After much guessing, the answer is Mt. Everest. Are you getting the idea. It was really fun and really crazy. What a game!
Zach had to put the game box under his shirt for the rest of the game.

Lisa let everyone play with her hair to move forward on the game board.

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