Monday, October 12, 2009

Halloween is Taking Over

I LOVE fall. For me, Halloween is the ultimate celebration of fall. I love Halloween so much. I love little kids dressed up coming to my door to get free candy with a chill in the air. I love the jack-o-lanterns. This is all to Zach's chagrin. He does not love fall like I do and he definitely doesn't love Halloween like I do. So, he is somewhat appalled by the decor that I have put up, mostly outside of the house. Take a look...
The look at night.
The large pumpkins to the left is what is Zach's least favorite.

My favorite part.

Today, Zach was cleaning spiderwebs off the windows, etc. When I came home, he said, "I am not sure why I am cleaning spider webs off the windows so that you can replace them with fake ones." Thank you honey for making room for my spider web:D

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