Monday, May 17, 2010

Update on the Birdies

So, the robin sometimes has been in her nest, but it seemed like mostly not. The only time she really seemed to be there was at night and she must have been sleeping at night because she would not fly off until we were unlocking the door. This was quite startling every time, even knowing that it was coming. I have not been turning on the back light because I don't want to disturb her which only made it more startling.

This is how every night goes...We come home and pull into the garage. As I am walking towards the door, I call out (not quietly I might add) to the robin to let her know that we are home and that she should leave her nest for a little bit. I creep up the stairs hunched over in case she flies out she won't fly right into me. At this point, I begin to convince myself that she is not on the nest tonight. I put the key in the door and then she is off. It gets me every time.

On the other hand, during the day, I hardly see her. Until today when I came home and she was perched on the edge of the nest with a worm in her mouth. I am sure she was aware that I was there, but I just watched. Once the worm disappeared, she flew off to a nearby branch to watch me enter. I immediately grabbed a chair to look up in the nest and this is what I found...

3 little birdies!!! I have been listening for them for days, but had not heard anything. I wish I had been checking everyday because I wish I knew how old they are. I will be checking in frequently now:D

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